

ANA為慶祝與中國通航20週年,推出別注客機"Fly Panda"於八月穿梭中、日兩地。機身除了一副搞鬼塗裝外,空姐亦會穿上熊貓圍裙捧上熊貓餐給予閣下享用,而熊貓枕頭及頭墊更會確保乘客旅途舒適。不過大家不要忘記"Fly Panda"是往祖國去的,縱有再kawai的配套,一流的設施,遇上同胞們的叫囂,搶掠與蹂躪,恐怕亦會體無完膚,起飛時天殘,下機時地缺...

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

The 熊貓圍裙 is so cute le.. I wish I can take this freight le...

pAndAmAniA 說...

must go to mainland woo....

匿名 說...

actually Shanghai is a good place to go ah... I like to eat "Siu Lung Bao"...

pAndAmAniA 說...

to Shanghai first than go to japan??

匿名 說...

huh.. that means only Japanese and mainland people can enjoy this freight la...huh...

pAndAmAniA 說...
